Friday, August 31, 2007

Let's play the Horatio Caine quote game!

It goes like this: take a famous quote and insert a pause to put on sunglasses. For example:

Because that is where (pause put on sunglasses) we will spend the rest of our lives.
Nobody expects
(pause put on sunglasses) the Spanish Inquisition.

Who's first?

Thursday, August 30, 2007

I don't know why I do these, they always upset me a little...

Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Extraversion |||||||||| 33%
Stability |||||||||| 33%
Orderliness |||||||||||||||| 66%
Accommodation |||||||||||| 50%
Interdependence |||||||||||||| 56%
Intellectual |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Mystical |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Artistic |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Religious |||||||||| 36%
Hedonism |||||||||| 36%
Materialism |||||||||||| 43%
Narcissism |||||||||||||||| 70%
Adventurousness |||| 16%
Work ethic |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Self absorbed |||||||||||||||| 63%
Conflict seeking |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Need to dominate |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Romantic |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Avoidant |||||||||||||||| 70%
Anti-authority |||||||||||||| 56%
Wealth |||| 16%
Dependency |||||||||||| 50%
Change averse |||||||||||||||| 63%
Cautiousness |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Individuality |||||||||||||||| 70%
Sexuality |||||||||||||||| 63%
Peter pan complex |||||| 23%
Physical security |||||||||||||||| 70%
Physical Fitness || 10%
Histrionic |||||||||||| 43%
Paranoia |||||||||||||||| 63%
Vanity |||||||||||||| 56%
Hypersensitivity |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Indie |||||||||||||||| 70%
Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
personality tests by

results were moderately low which suggests you are worrying, insecure, emotional, and anxious.

Orderliness results were moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly organized, reliable, neat, and hard working at the expense of flexibility, efficiency, spontaneity, and fun.

Extraversion results were moderately low which suggests you are reclusive, quiet, unassertive, and secretive.

trait snapshot:
depressed, introverted, neat, needs things to be extremely clean, observer, perfectionist, not self revealing, does not make friends easily, suspicious, irritable, hates large parties, follows the rules, worrying, does not like to stand out, fragile, phobic, submissive, dislikes leadership, cautious, takes precautions, focuses on hidden motives, good at saving money, solitary, familiar with the dark side of life, hard working, emotionally sensitive, prudent, altruistic, heart over mind, unadventurous

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


  • Catching up with my lovely mates.
  • Making some lovely new friends.
  • Gossip - boy, does Beth Ditto rock. That voice is just breathtaking.
  • Watching Interpol with Jess in fold out seats, a couple of cans each and rubbing our thighs intermittently.
  • Discussing in great detail the merits of various bass players.
  • Shiny Toy Guns rocking out mid-afternoon.
  • Carla going AWOL after dragging a punter away from the stall into the dark of the campsite and then returning some time later having named all their planned children.
  • "Angry Mob" dancing outside our stall and going insane when we played something they didn't like.
  • NIN, a fucking brilliant set. A semi mystical/semi erotic experience.
  • Smashing Pumpkins were amazing too. Billy's growling voice gives me goose bumps.
  • Turtle being accused of being in the Kaiser Chiefs followed quickly with Az being asked if he was from YMCA.
  • Late night hot chocolate.
  • Being so hungover on Friday morning that I had to be put into Jess and Turtle's tent for kip before starting work. Thanks guys and thank you to Kat for the life saving egg bap!
  • Salvation Army complaining about the level of noise from our stereo. Next time I see them playing in a town centre I will have to complain about them...
  • Sunburn.
All in all a great weekend. However, I think that it is undoubtedly time to pass the baton onto the young 'uns. There is no way that I can work as a trader at a festival again - it's too tiring and I just can't drink/drug like I used to...

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Reading Festival

Edited highlights from website info page:

"Dear Reading Festival Goer,

It has been a very difficult month. When we got on site on July 25th, Green Camps ABC and D were waist high in water from the floods, yellow camp FGH and I were over 3’ deep in water, all of brown was over my knees, purple I couldn’t get to and White was just part of the river...In summary it has been a challenge. The summer has been bloody awful but thanks to great support from Reading Borough Council and the Environment Agency who have managed to drop the level of the river adjacent to the site and therefore reduce the level of the water table on site, as well as the amazing efforts of a key number of my site crew...we will be able to stage the world’s greatest rock festival despite what climate change and the weather have thrown at us...
Best regards

Melvin Benn
Managing Director Festival Republic – Promoter of Carling Weekend: Reading & Leeds Festivals"

We were meant to be working in fancy dress but I have removed my big silly dress and have packed wellies, inflatable canoe and emergency flares instead. Oh, and enough gin to block out the horror of it all.
Too cute for words...

My young man is away for a whole week. We've spent a lot of this summer apart with me away on various work projects but being in another bed/tent seems to be much easier than being in our bed alone. I went to bed alone and woke up alone; feeling rather sorry for myself. Then, this morning this CD arrived:With a lovely note "for you to listen to when you is snugglez in bed x"

I'm really looking forward to going to bed tonight now!

Monday, August 20, 2007


Notice that I just threw that in without thinking "moving to Devon". Yep, me and the young man are moving to Exeter sometime in October. It's both very exciting and absolutely terrifying.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Twin Peaks

I've just worked out that Lucy and I have only got to episode 13 of our Twin Peaks marathon...only 16 to go. We both leave London in October. There is no way we're going to do it all before then.

Good job we're both moving to Devon.
Nicest email that I've received in a while:

"Boudicca is amazing
Boudicca is the best
Boudicca deserves a Nobel peace prize"
Save The Cheerleader, Save The World

I have become obsessed with Heroes - it has everything I need - comic book looks, humour, genetics, good guys, bad guys, mixed up guys, the unbearably adorable Peter Petrelli with that amazing fringe that he keeps having to sweep out of his eyes, a bitchy cheerleader, geeks, losers, sex, drugs, special effects, characters linked together in ways that they don't know about but we do...I actually clapped and laughed out loud during so many parts last night - Hiro Nakamura is so cool. He embraces his superpowers with such child like enthusiasm that you can't help get pulled into the joy. Also seeing him from the future makes him even more interesting - how does he get from office worker geek to ninja supremo?

I can't wait until next Wednesday!

Friday, August 10, 2007

"Wear your love like it is made of hate
Born to destroy and born to create"

MSP, Autumnsong

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Professional Development

I'm really interested in doing a
funded ILM Level 3 Introductory Certificate in First Line Management on 16 & 17 October, 31 October & 1 November, 14 November & 21 November.

This course has 10 segments, which we have chosen to respond to the first-line managers’ most immediate learning needs:

  • - Problem Solving
  • - Decision Making
  • - Influencing and Negotiating
  • - Time Management
  • - Meetings
  • - Motivation
  • - Delegation
  • - Managing Performance
  • - Planning for Change
  • - Coaching at Work

There will be plenty of time for tutorial support and for the business and employment skills sessions:

  • Assertiveness
  • Networking
  • Presenting a Professional Image
But to do it for free, I need to find someone without UK based Level 2 qualifications to do it with...

Level 2 qualifications include:

  • NVQ Level 2
  • One A-Level or equivalent
  • GNVQ intermediate
  • RSA diploma
  • BTEC first or general diploma
  • 5 O-levels or
  • 5 GCSEs grade A-C or equivalent

Anyone interested or know someone who is?