Friday, May 30, 2003

Well, last night was, Jess, Lornie and Hels went to see 2 Many DJ's at Rhythm Factory. Y'know, we thought that we'd try somewhere local to us...we all like 2 Many DJ's/Soulwax...we had been there for less than a min when I got body slammed by a fucking annoying, self obsessed, yellow hatted fucking freak!!!!! *ok, calm, breathe* It's fine I'm here to have fun, I'm sure everyone else is too. Oh, wait, no they're not, they're here to show off their new hairdos (or should that be don'ts) - designer t-shirts (or topshop designer in some cases) - people are here to be SEEN, to get their picture in the latest issue of THE FACE. AND, AND they're all acting like cunts...fucking body slamming central...twats...Jess knocked over someone’s drink while being body slammed by another twat and so, in the way you do, gave the guy a bottle she'd just bought...AND THEN he had the fucking audacity to fucking take the piss out of her...CUNTS, CUNTS, CUNTS the lot of them...a perfectly nice idea of a club ruined by the fashionista wankers that go there.....thanks for a fucking great night, YOU CUNTS!

Oh yay, one good thing, 2 Many DJ's did a fucking amazing mix of the White Stripes...which rocked.

Thursday, May 29, 2003

Saturday 10th May

Weird evening all in all, Jess and I went to ‘Scope where we bumped into an ‘ex’ (and I use the term lightly!) of Jess’. He had given me a nose bleed within 10 mins of talking to us, acted very drunk indeed, kept asking us if we thought his new haircut made him look gay (which it did…).

We then moved to the dance floor, chatted to Herb for a while, actually got smiled at by a polite young man (so hard to find in indie clubs…), danced like wankers to The Datsun’s (hurrah, what fun!).

The end of the club didn’t however end our fun. Me and a few mates have been lurkers on a message board on irlondon. Chris thought that it was about time we met a few of the boarders….Glory Boy and MJ to be precise…who we had noticed earlier in the evening shouting “pin drop!” at passers by (which is kinda about when you tell a bad joke and in the silence afterwards you can hear a pin drop…). They offered to give me and Jess a lift back (we accepted and then told them that we lived in a completely different area of London!).

MJ proceeded to call Jess the Beast Master all the way home….a strange end to a strange evening….

Monday 12th

I will sort my life out, I will sort my life out…..

Lib card, leisure card,

I have sorted my life out…sorta

Wednesday 14th

Nice, understated evening out with the lovely Chris Eaton. Comedy, good conversation, oh yes and alcohol.

Thursday 15th

Ok, we started the evening with tequila. Then Jess and I went to see Electric 6 – who, it has to be said, would just be a plain pub rock band without the glory of man that is Dick Valentine! He is literally sex in a suit (think a glorious mix of Brian Ferry and John Cleese – actually that sounds awful but honest he is great!!!)

Jess and I both felt that we needed a bottle of beer to walk from the Astoria (TCR tube) to Smash and Grab (OC tube) so unsurprisingly we were both horribly drunk all evening.

Friday 16th

Hungover to the MAXXXX….blurg…but the boss is having his b/day so we buy Cava and bagels and binge all morning.

Stay in – how boring – but what’s this?…The Vines on Later with Jools Holland…good god I love Craig so much….this leads to bad impressions of Craig being done for the rest of the month….

Saturday 17th

Richie poos moved in today….hurrah!

Tuesday 20th

Lucy’s leaving do (done in style at the Stock pot with lots of wine). Very sad. I’ve only just got to know Luc and now she moves to New Zealand….

Wednesday 21st

Today we all find out that not only have we lost our deposits due to letting agent nastiness but we also have to move out in 6 months. Very depressed indeed…

Thursday 22nd

Got a telephone call today…a close friend of the family died on Monday. Just had his 40th birthday. Heart attack out of the blue.

Saturday 24th

Working Homelands guest bar. Only get to watch De La Soul and The Streets (who fucking outrock so many bands I’ve seen recently). After our shift Jess and I join Hels and Lornie who are working on the vodka jelly and herbal high stalls and proceed to eat/drink them out of any profits.

Sunday 25th

6am – getting coach back into London, grinding teeth, listening to White Stripes and The Libertines on the headphones, and wishing for a bed….

6pm – Lorna, Jess and I all under duvets on the floor watching shit films and groaning loudly….I feeel soooooo bbbbbaaaddddd….

Monday 26th

Alwyn’s funeral – I’ll update later.

Wednesday 28th

Lornie birthday – we all go to Candy Box but I leave early (well, 1.45am) ‘cos I’m still feeling down and out ill and run down. I get woken up by Little Chris at 4.30am ringing me to tell me that he saw a girl get hit in the street, that he didn’t get off with the girl that my mates will tell me that he did, he then got in a really bad mood just because I’m going to a different club night tomorrow (a one off too, I’ll be back in his bloody clubs for the rest of my life after tonight

Wednesday, May 28, 2003

Black Goth
You Are A Black Goth. You Are Evil And Only Depend
On Your Self.

What Color Goth Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

I will be updating soon - I promise!!!

Monday, May 05, 2003

and...and...I eating real nice food - hurrah!
I am currently in Hastings having a week off work...I feel wrecked. I have no idea why but a certain young lady does! . OH DEAR!!!

We apart from the Saturday/Sunday madness we all went out on Thursday to Smash and Grab (SMASH IT!). Courtney, once again in full drag - looking fantastic (but who did actually get too drunk and elbow me in the head causing minor concussion - bless 'im!). My ladies were looking good too...50's retro housewife is the look of the season, pearls out ladies! We got tres drunk and I felt awful the next day at work. So awful in fact that Jess and I stayed in on Friday (after much discussion, Magic 8 Ball consulting - which it has to be said was no help at all).

Today was the Green Man Festival in Hastings, lots of morris dancers, drummers, groovy costumes and bikers about. The parade through the town was really good fun - loads of noise and general pagan May Day celebration nonsense. Then we went to look at the motorbikes - lusting over bikes (and it has to be said some of the bikers too) was great fun. Then back to the parentage where I fell asleep (still knackered now!). Then I woke up watched bad Bank Holiday movies, a fantastic Twelfth Night adaptation and the 100 greatest movie stars (which mainly consisted of me lusting rather loudly over Chris Walken - I LOVE THAT MAN! and quoting word for word loads of the clips that were played, then Dad and I replayed Taxi Driver "You looking at me?" scene which shit accents). All in all a fun day!