Last email from Janimal in Russia
June 15th
"This is my last day and all teaching has finished. I made my first and
probably last Russian joke. G'day is Dobre den and the guy who runs the sub marine internet caf is called Dennis - you got it #Dobre Dennis#. It raised an ironic smile - not bad.
Last night we gathered on a balcony to drink beer (not me) and eat take away pizza (hot - a special treat - the food here is luke warm if u r lucky - in the sanitorium not the whole of Russia) We provided mosquitoes with plenty of blood and I sloped off when the whiskey
Today all the other teachers are playing pioneer ball - like volley ball but you can run with the ball & pass it to your team. As the towels are being removed they will all be sweaty on the plane I fear. I will not be watching, as they thought! Sounds too much like work and it's near the mozzie area - had enough of that. So, I came in to town to send this missive. I am also trying to track down pine vodka which is a local speciality as we are surrounded by pine trees - quite handy for my nature walks. On nice days they have to go out for activities and while all the sporty set jump around with balls and hoops with htem, I've been taking them for nature walks. Reminds me of when u 2 were little. The river for a chat about fish, then to see the ducks, goose and swan and collect feathers, then to see the horse and the pony and lastly you can
pick wild flowers to take back! Lots of English and kids often not knowing what the hell I'm on about - some r only 7! Still pleasant enough. Oh yes and they collect pine cones - that's where I started."
Dash recently did a shark dive for charity (thanks to all of you who sponsored him!)
Here he is before he got in!

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