367 Days Sober
I don't think I would have ever classed myself as an alcoholic but I've always drunk like a fish. I'd be the one with the 7 or 8 pint by 10pm or drinking neat from the bottle of spirits at 4am on the dance floor... usually still having a good time but the hangovers were getting worse and watching my dad die the liver ward at Kings Hospital really brought home the toxicity of alcohol on your body. My intake had dramatically reduced anyway as I didn't drink during pregnancies and breastfeeding. Then last year "the darkness" hit me quite hard. I went to the doctor and he prescribed antidepressants. Alcohol doesn't always mix well with anti-d's so I decided to stop entirely.
That was over a year ago. The first few months were hard - Friday nights with no wine, warm Sunday afternoons without an ale. I explored non-alcoholic wine (mainly horrible, too much sugar), beer (some ok, check out Nanny State). I've had a few nights out fuelled by Budvar or Bavaria which have still been fun - I just don't get enough energy to be still dancing at 4am!
I'm not sure I'll keep it up forever but for now it's working for me. Overall, it's been a good thing...