Festival season starting (I've done One Big Weekend in Sunderland where it hailed for two days solid!)
Spending a whole weekend with my baby bro for the first time in ages at foresaid festival
Homelands this weekend with all the girls for Lornie's birthday
Buying loads of theatre tickets and treating myself to Artist's Dates
The new and worrying crush I have developed on Sam from The Bravery - see picture above!
Bad things about my life:
Getting a bizarre, burning reaction on my hands two weeks ago. Woke up with a rash that developed into blisters and vomiting, it's still here and I look like some burns victim
Being generally disrespected (and shouted at, in front of everyone else in the office) at work
Crying at work because of the shouting
Not being brave enough to tell them to shove their fucking job up their asses
New glasses that hurt my eyes
The general darkness that is all around - what the fuck am I doing...etc...