Hurrah, hurrah my life is getting fun again - it was the 'ticklers' big 30 b/day on Saturday. Trad party food (pinapple and cheese hedgehogs, sos rolls, pizza slices, jelly and ice cream) and the best mulled wine ever! Got very drunk as I knew that I was staying over. We played a bizarre form of pass the parcel and then we had a male stripper (v. odd indeed) and carried on drinking until the wee hours of the morning.
Went to meet mummy the next day and spent a few hours with her and Ian and Sadie dog watching Ab Fab DVD, we then went to meet S&M for the games night at the Retro Bar - this is the most fun night ever. Alcohol and board games - which for some reason works!!!!
Then on Wednesday I planned to have a quiet night at the theatre with friends (we went to 'Our House' which is a good fun, happy, throw away musical - no real content, confused story but great songs and full of beans dance routines). Went I got out there were TWO messages from the lovely Jess asking, nay, begging me to come out!!! So, we (Richie, Damaris and I) rushed to
Candy Box to get in cheap with the
flyer. We hung around for a while, drinking £1 drinks waiting for Jess and Lorna who had been to the Electric Six gig. They hadn't turned up be the time that Damaris and Richie had to go home, so they left me in the hands of a drunken Little Chris. Jess and Lorny turned up a few moment later looking fine!
We all proceeded to get very drunk and fail to get off with the people we wanted (except from Lorny who has the lovely Russ!). All in all a very fun evening indeed and made me realise how much I love clubbing and that I need to go out more often and experience lots of different clubs (cheap in entry and consumation of large amounts of whisky or vodka (depending on mood) but not in atmosphere or clientele - not too much to ask I'm sure).